Let me invite you to the launch of the Bristol Steampunk anthology ‘Airship Shape & Bristol Fashion’. There will be a Victorian picnic with a selection of sandwiches and cake and a glass of home-made lemonade or sparkling kir royale.
There’ll be a fancy dress competition for best representation of a character from the book, (fancy dress is not compulsory!) dramatic readings, and music from Cauda Pavonis.
Picnicker tickets are available in advance from the BristolCon team or bristolcon.eventbrite.co.uk, and cost £15 or £11 with a copy of Airship Shape. Latecomer tickets will be sold (subject to availability) on the door from 8:30 p.m. onwards priced at £5.
Airship Shape & Bristol Fashion is available now from wizardstowerpress.com at the Bristolcon Fringe reading on Monday 17th March taking place in Shakespeare Tavern, Brisol.
Hope to see you there!